Reading Options

For week 2, reading A, we were assigned to look through our text book and review some of the readings that we found interesting. There were trillions to choose from, which is great when you are wanting some variety, but a little overwhelming when trying to narrow down stories that were interesting. After reviewing for quite sometime, I finally decided on three stories that are not only interesting, but make me excited to learn.

One of the few that caught my eye was Alice in Wonderland, because I find great pleasure in that movie, and I think learning more about it, along with certain variations of the background is quite interesting.
alice in wonderland link

image from Alice in Wonderland

I also think the story of Noah would be a great story to learn more about. I come from a religious background, so biblical stories appeal to me. I think learning about the different origins that this story could have been seen it is interesting because it gives a new perspective on the tales from the bible.
the ark link

Lastly, another story that struck interest in me was Adam and Eve. Once again, I come from a religious background so these types of things really make me think. I teach Sunday school at my church once a month, and I have taught the kids the story of Adam and Eve many times. Gaining a new light on how this story could be told differently is something that I'm curious to learn more about.
adam and eve link


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