Reading, The Supernatural

THE SUPERNATURAL - This story is based of ghosts, which I thought I would like more than I did. The man is in the forrest and approaches a woman that is a ghost. She runs away, then another man approaches who is also a ghost. He tells the man that if they fight, and he wins, he will rid his enemies. The fight, and the pushes the ghost into the fire, winning and ridding his enemy which I assume was the ghost.

This story was not my favorite and I still don't really understand it.

Myths and Legends of the Great Plains by Katharine Berry Judson (1913).

story link

owl from the story 


  1. Hi Gracie! Just a quick comment to say that the goal is to find a story you will like and want to retell in your own way. So the idea is to read all the stories in the Anthology, and then write up notes about the one you liked best, the one you think you want to retell. If you did not like this story, then it would not be the right one to retell. If you take notes on the story you want to retell, then you will have the notes ready to go to jumpstart your storytelling later in the week! :-)


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