Week 7, reading notes part B
In this story, the prince must guess the names of the beautiful women so he can make them his wives. His dog waits by the town, listening for the names so he can go tell the prince
He hears the names, and returns back
But on the way he stops to eat, while he eats he forgets the names
He returns back to the town and listens fort he names again
Hearing them once more, he goes back to tell his master
He gets thirsty on the way back and stops for a drink
While drinking he forgets the names again, so he goes back to town
He hears the names again, and returns to his master
This time, he remembers the names and he and his master go back to town to claim their wives
The prince marries the women because he knew their names.
This story is a light, fun read. If I were to rewrite it, I would write about a bird who must gather certain pieces of material to build a nest, but he keeps forgetting the items needed. His guardian keeps telling him, and he flies back and forth until he can remember all of the things he needs for his nest.
How Nsassi (Gazelle) Got Married
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