Storytelling - week 15

The Hardworking Man There was once a man who worked in the oilfield. He worked all day and all night and earned so much money that his boss began to resent him. "You are working too much, and now I have to give you all my money," he said. He scolded the man and made him move to a different rig where he did not have to pay him for his hard work. A company man heard about the hard working man, and sought after him. He respected the man for his hard work and offered him a job on his site. He told the man that if he worked non stop for the next three years, he will receive his own company. The man agreed. The man knew the struggles he may face while working non-stop. "How will I eat, or drink, or sleep?" he asked himself. He thought long and hard about how he would make this dream come true. He then had an idea.. To help him achieve his goal, he recruited three other rig hands to help him work. The rig hands agreed to help him only if they could be company men of...