Reading Notes A - week 15

Reading A - The three spinsters

This story is clever and witty. I really enjoyed the story line and the slight twist at the end. I truly could not predict how it was going to end.

mom beats daughter for not spinning
queen hears her cries, questions why mother is beating daughter
mom is ashamed to admit her daughter won't spin, so lies and says she is spinning too much
queen takes her to the castle where she can spin all the flax in the kingdom
queen says if she gets it all done she can marry her son
daughter does not want to spin at the castle, so she finds three woman who are fast spinners
they have ugly features cause by spinning so much
daughter asks women to help her spin all the flax in the kingdom
they agree as long as they can attend her wedding as her "cousins"
they spin all the flax in the kingdom without anyone knowing it was them
when the queen the finished project, she schedules the wedding
at the wedding, he r son asks why the cousins are so ugly
they tell him it is from spinnig
he tells his new wife she will never spin again

If I were to rewrite this story, I would choose to write about a guy who works in the oilfield. He works so long and hard that his boss started to scold him for earning too much of the company's money. Another company found out about the man and his punishment for hard work and took him into their company. The company man said, "if you work for 3 years without any time off, I will give you your own company and you will be successful." So the man worked and was successful

 Household Stories by the Brothers Grimm, translated by Lucy Crane and illustrated by Walter Crane (1886).


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