
Showing posts from January, 2018

Week 3 Story - Noah's Gold

This period of time was full of violence and mischief. There was war and hatred among all of the lands. The people were not at peace, and their actions were unforgiving. The cause of these disputes came from the gold that sat on the sacred land. The Earth was filled with a large, deep patch of valuable gold, which is what the people were seeking. The fight for the land-filled gold created wars that seemed to never end. Every being wished to capture the land that held the gold. God created this land of gold as a resourceful and peaceful sanctuary for the people in need. He told his people to share the gold, and disperse it between those who are less fortunate. The people did not listen. Instead, greedy leaders aimed to conquer the land for their own selfish benefit. Noah was the leader in charge of protecting the land of gold. He was sent from God to keep it from people who would take advantage of the gift. Noah was always fighting, and doing his best to keep the land in good hands,

reading notes, The Flood

Reading Notes There was much violence in the world, and God was very angry. He told Noah he was going to send a flood that lasted 40 days and 40 nights, and that he must build an ark that holds every animal, both male and female. Once the flood began, every other living thing died. After the flood raged, Noah sent a dove to test if the Earth had recovered, but the dove kept returning After several month, the Earth was dry, and the Lord said he will never flood the Earth again story link noah's ark image & image link

Feedback Thoughts

One of the articles I decided to review was, "5 Tips for Taking Feedback Like a Champ." This article discusses ways to positively improve your mindset when talking with others about your work. Receiving feedback can be uncomfortable at times, but it is all apart of the growth process. 5 Tips for Taking Feedback Like a Champ The other article I reviewed was called, "Recalibrating the Perfectionist Mind." This article talks about characteristics of people who are perfectionists, and how it can be a strength and a weakness all together. I see myself as a perfectionist, so I can heavily benefit and relate to this article. Some tips that were given are to change your focus, plat to your strength, and finding the balance. I think receiving feedback is a very important way to grow in everything you do. Right now, I receive the most feedback from my bosses. I try to not be discouraged, and work to accept that these comments will make me better. Some people have told

Topic Brainstorm

Some interesting topics I have found for my portfolio are the topics of dogs, the greek goddesses, bible stories, and native american traditions. I chose the topic dogs because I love animals and I find comfort in a dog being a man's best friend. I think there is a lot of creativity that could be sparked from stories relating to dogs, whether it be stories of reincarnation, fables, or just tales of the life of a dog. I have two dogs at home, so I think reading about something I have or can relate to makes things a little more fun. link to stories link to stories I chose the topic of the greek goddesses because of my interest in greek mythology. Also, the fact that I am a woman and I like learning about the different historical aspects of my gender, whether its real or not. My first project of greek mythology was based off Athena. Since then, I have always found beauty in the stories from that specific ideology. link to stories I chose the topic of bible stories because I c

Week 2 Story - The Girl, The Beaver, and The Eyes

Once upon a time, in a forrest far away, lived a young girl who took care of her sheep. This job was very hard, because of the mountainous region she resided in. There was harsh weather, unforgiving predators, and hunters out to steal the sheep's wool and meat. This may seem like too hard of job for a young girl, but she was very good at it. In four years, she only lost two of her sheep. One evening, as the sun was setting and the wind was blowing through the leaves of the trees, the girl notices a glowing pair of eyes in the distance and a strange noise she had never heard before. She stood tall, not allowing anything to sense her fears. The eyes slowing dissipated into the night after a few moments and the girl's worries fell. The following night, under the bright moon and twinkling stars, the girl shepherded over her sheep, guarding their helpless souls. She looked off into the night, and appeared the eyes once more. The yellow glow of the creature's eyes continued

Reading Notes, The Trickster

For my own story, I will be basing it off of the Trickster tale. In this story, the tiger tricks the man into letting him go, but promises he won't harm him after he is free. Once the man lets him go, the tiger takes back his word and says he will eat the man for being so foolish. The man seeks advise from several different characters with no luck, until he meets the jackal. The jackal pretends as if he doesn't understand the story that the man is telling him, so he returns to the scene to get a better understanding. The jackal then plays dumb to the tiger as well, asking how he even got into the cage to begin with. The tiger shows him, and the jackal locks him in the cage again. The jackal's smart thinking saved the man, and gave the tiger what he deserved. This story is easy to follow, and a fun, witty read. story link tiger and the man  Indian Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1912).

Reading, Metamorphosis

METAMORPHOSIS - This story reminds me of having a soul mate. Some people go for much of their life picture and imaging what their mate may be like, and in this story, he creates his perfect woman in the form of a statue, and she becomes real life. story link Ovid's Metamorphoses, translated by Tony Kline (2000).

Reading, The Supernatural

THE SUPERNATURAL - This story is based of ghosts, which I thought I would like more than I did. The man is in the forrest and approaches a woman that is a ghost. She runs away, then another man approaches who is also a ghost. He tells the man that if they fight, and he wins, he will rid his enemies. The fight, and the pushes the ghost into the fire, winning and ridding his enemy which I assume was the ghost. This story was not my favorite and I still don't really understand it. Myths and Legends of the Great Plains by Katharine Berry Judson (1913). story link owl from the story 

Reading notes, The Divine

THE DIVINE: This story is a common, princess tale. The man wants to perform a brave action and in return, receive the hand the daughter. In this case, the Japanese story tells the tale of the warrior who is going to kill the evil monster for the hand of the daughter whose parents are wanting the monster dead. Romance of Old Japan, Part I: Mythology and Legend by E. W. Champney and F. Champney (1917). story link Japanese mythology

Reading Notes, Origin Stories: The Moon

THE MAN ON THE MOON- This story is very short and simple, which is why I like it so much. It has a pretty basic story line, and serves a good lesson of, "be happy where you are, and be careful what you wish for." he wanted to be something he wasn't, and was granted that wish. He kept changing who he wanted to be until his wish granter forced him to be what he chose forever. THE HARE THAT WAS NOT AFRAID TO DIE- This story was a little hard to follow. However, I liked that it comes from a Buddhist background, and that it teaches to be selfless and giving. The hare was a virtuous being, and he was rewarded for his goodness. he had to give what he had to the beggar, but he had nothing to give so he sacrificed himself. story link the moon Bibliography:  Eastern Stories and Legends by Marie L. Shedlock (1920).

Reading Options

For week 2, reading A, we were assigned to look through our text book and review some of the readings that we found interesting. There were trillions to choose from, which is great when you are wanting some variety, but a little overwhelming when trying to narrow down stories that were interesting. After reviewing for quite sometime, I finally decided on three stories that are not only interesting, but make me excited to learn. One of the few that caught my eye was Alice in Wonderland, because I find great pleasure in that movie, and I think learning more about it, along with certain variations of the background is quite interesting. alice in wonderland link image from Alice in Wonderland I also think the story of Noah would be a great story to learn more about. I come from a religious background, so biblical stories appeal to me. I think learning about the different origins that this story could have been seen it is interesting because it gives a new perspective on the tale

Time Strategies

Because of the large number of assignments, this class does require some time management skills. The notes left from Professor Gibbs are very helpful, however. She discusses finding specific times to focus on completing the assignments, and staying caught up with all of the readings. She also suggests getting a calendar to write down when things are due and when you should do them. I feel like once I have the rhythm of my schedule for this class, I will not have any trouble with time management. image portraying time management  image link

Week 1 - Technology

The Mythology and Folklore course is structures differently than I have experienced. I am not familiar with the tools used, like class wiki and some of the support sites. However, I am curious to see how these tools and this structure benefit me when compared to my other courses. I have blogged in my other courses, but this is the first class that has ever been strictly based on blogging. I think it is a fun way to learn and express individuality and I can't wait to use all of the helpful tools given to better my class experience. fun image related to a storybook image link

Week 1- Assignments

The Mythology and Folklore class is different than any other class I have taken before. It inspires creativity and requires a good amount of responsibility in order to stay on top of everything. I am most excited to write my own stories in this class. The free-will to come up with anything I want to write about doesn't normally occur. I love that this class is based off of a point system and there are plenty of opportunities for extra credit. You earn your grade based off your effort, which I believe is very fair. photo about stories photo link

Growth Mindset - Week 1

image describing growth growth image link While watching the videos featuring Professor Dweck, I was intrigued by her ideology of having an open mindset when learning. If people are closed off to the learning curve, and do not understand that growth is key in success, they will struggle. The correlation between believing in yourself enough to put forth quality effort really impacts how you move through life. Understanding the process of how you accomplished something deserves more praise than you simply be smart enough to know the answer. I enjoyed Dweck's thoughts describing 'not yet.' As a student, I always struggled with math. I hated it because I felt I wasn't good at it and I always received bad grades. I wonder if I would have been a better student if I would have had the open mindset of understanding growth instead of the closed-off mindset of accepting what I couldn't do at that time. Maybe receiving the grade 'not yet' could've changed

Introduction to a social media marketer- Week 1

Hello, my name is Gracie Jonas. I am a senior Public Relations major with a minor in Enterprise Studies. I plan to graduate this May. Although I am a senior, this is only my second year at OU. I began my college experience at Rose State College in Oklahoma City as a student athlete. I was fortunate enough to receive a full ride scholarship to play soccer. Being a student athlete taught me a lot about responsibility and determination. Trying to balance school life, social life, and soccer is something that took a while to adjust to, but at the end of it I couldn't be more proud of what I accomplished. Currently, I am employed as a social media marketer for StellaNova Coffee. If you haven't been there yet, you should try it. Great coffee and great people! (I'm not just saying that because I work there either.) Anyway, this experience has also been challenging, because I am adjusting from being a young student, to a professional in the workplace. I am challenged everyday t

Week 1 - Storybook Favorites

As I was reading through many of the mythological stories given to me by my professor, I kept a few things in mind. Number one, is this easy to understand? I wanted to ensure I could follow along with every aspect of what was happening. I wanted to be engaged. Number two, is it realistic? Now, I know mythology is about everything but being realistic, so by realistic I really mean, is it based off another story? I love when readers take original stories and put twists on them to make them their own. Lastly, I wanted them to be creative. Creativity is key in a great story. The stories listed below are some that I really enjoyed and met that all of my favorite requirements! One of the mythology stories that I chose as my favorite was "In the Forrest" from the Stolen Princess. This story is an elegant and beautiful creation and is written in a way that is easy to read and understand. The characters of the stories, the story line of events, and the way everything plays out ar

Week 1

My favorite place would most likely be Belize. More specifically, Ambergris Caye, Belize. I traveled to this bright and colorful oasis last spring break, courtesy of my boyfriend's family. When we first arrived, I was slightly taken back due to the diverse culture and care-free way of life. It wasn't like any place I had been before. We traveled down a terrible excuse for a road until we reached our resort, where we were then introduced to the white sands and swaying trees. We began our adventure through Belize by paddle surfing, laying by salty water, and experiencing the unique variety Belize has to offer. While all of these things added up to be the mixture for a perfect getaway, there was one day in particular that out shined the rest. Now before I begin, you must known I have a love for sea turtles that cannot be expressed through a simple blog post. They are hands-down my favorite animal and part of the reason this place is my favorite. Anyway, we took an excursion th

